Friday, May 13, 2011

Best of...

I recently came into tickets to the upcoming Hour Detroit Best of 2011 party and it got me thinking - when the heck is the last time I updated this thing with my personal best of's? As I round the corner to May, 2011 I'm proud to say that there are a lot of best of's to list this year. Highlights? I thought you'd never ask.
  • Best of the gig: I'm still loving my job at Livio Radio. I get to do all of the things I love including PR, events, weird pitches and even a bit of travel to cool industry events like the Consumer Electronics Show, CTIA and of course, New York for press visits. Also, I've had the pleasure of testing out and launching new, cool products for car Internet radio and it's seriously cool.
  • Best of the friends: my friends are all such talented and focused men and women I feel like a proud family member (which, I suppose they should be referred to at this point) are some exciting highlights: one bought a house right next to my office, one just got into MSU's medical school, my sister & friend bought a house, my husband & friend has a hell of a baseball team, another has become a social media go-to and regular speaker at her marketing agency
  • Best of the home: In addition to looking forward to opening our pool again this summer, I recently spent a whole weekend redecorating the master bedroom along with all of the decorations in the bathroom and kitchen to make things look a bit more spring-like!
  • Best of the life: It's good. I can't complain. I'm happy and really am looking forward to another beautiful Michigan summer and the adventures it will bring. I'm also promising myself to blog more. It makes me happy.
As for the Hour Best of Detroit party, I'm looking forward to celebrating the city I left Dallas and Denver to be a part of and the very best music, food, shopping and entertainment it has to offer. Feeling left out? My friends at MotorCity Casino Hotel shared some cool offers I'm happy to share with all 5 of my readership - so check it out here, get some tickets and come party with me:

What: Hour Detroit Best of 2011 Party
Code for $25 Off your tickets: FBBOD2011
How to get a discount on a sweet hotel room:
Event Hashtag: #BestofDetroit

I'll be sure to post some updates leading up to both this event and the Detroit Social Media Day over the next couple weeks.

More to come,