Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer of Love: Officially a Mrs.

Ladies and gentlemen of Google Blogger: I'm a married lady!
So many amazing things to say about the day, the week leading up to it and the honeymoon. Greg and I were lucky enough to have so many friends travel to Michigan to either be part of the day or just to spend time with us. Big thanks to our big travelers: Martin, Margaret, Chris, Mike, Kasi, Jenny, Bryn and even our local travelers who drove to the great up north.

Since we got married on a Friday, my last day of work that week was Tuesday and I celebrated my two weeks of freedom by picking up Greg's college roommate (and one of our ushers), Mike and his girlfriend, Kasi up from the airport. I've only met Mike a few times before he moved to Virginia and hadn't gotten to meet his girlfriend before so it was really cool getting the know these two a bit better over the week. We had a great time hanging out, going to dinner and playing card games throughout the week.
Of note, they stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in Auburn Hills - their toilet had a bidet! I've never seen one before up-close and proceeded to ask ridiculous questions about it for the remainder of their stay.
Mike and Kasi - so glad you two could make it!

The next day, Greg's friend who he met at camp Greylock flew all the way in from South Africa to make the wedding and be our other usher. It was wonderful to finally meet him since I've heard so many nice things and funny stories about him over the years. Since he'd traveled such a long way, and since we have an extra room in our house he stayed with us. Meeting Martin definately confirmed everything kind Greg had said about him over the years with me as with the rest of our friends. Here's a funny picture of Martin Eric (best man) at the wedding, so glad to have met you Martin!

Later on in the week, one of my favorite couples ever made the trip in from New York. Margaret and Chris were just marred in June (scroll down for photos) and are wonderful friends that Greg and both look forward to hanging out with every time they're in town. Margaret and I have known each other since fourth grade, last month I was in her wedding, this month, she's in mine. It was great getting to see so much of these two this summer and they did a bang up job taking photos all day before, during and after our wedding. Here's a photo of Greg, me, Margaret and Chris at the wedding - love you guys!!!

Two of my other favorite ladies, Bryn and Jenny made the trip in from Chicago for our wedding. I've known Jenny since the second grade and Bryn since middle school. They've always been so much fun to hang out with and I was so glad that Jenny was able to be in the wedding and I got to spend some time with my much-missed Bryn. It was also really cool that Greg got a chance to know these two a bit better as they've not really had much of a chance to get to know each other until this summer of weddings came along - love you girls, thanks so much for coming!

Onto my local shout-outs, my friend Nicole Blair has turned into the next big thing in photography and we were lucky enough to snag her to be our wedding photographer. Truthfully, if anything (while we're all completely in love and quasi-obsessed with her photos) it was great to book her so she had to come to our wedding and couldn't go to anyone else's and had to chance to be a guest after a certain point in the night. She's already posted a photo preview on her blog at her site (see the link to the right). At the end of the night, her boyfriend Andy took a photo of all of us girls who grew up together. Nicole, you're wonderful thanks for everything!

There are so many shout-outs to include, but since it's my blog I'm going to stick to the remainder of my bridesmaids who I haven't yet mentioned. Jennifer, my little sister and maid of honor delivered one heck of a speech and remained an awesome sounding board throughout the whole planning process. I had so much fun having the extra excuse to spend time with her and do girly things. Jennifer, you're awesome and I was so happy you were a part of our day:

And for you Rachel, Amanda and Trisha my former roommates. You are hilarious. If there is a point where comic releif or a good sense of humor is required, that's what you are for. They also happen to be wonderful friends that I've spent countless hours doing talking nonsense with and living the dream while in college. I was so happy to have you all as a part in the wedding and hang out more. You girls are certainly another set of friends I can't get enough you lots!
Here's a photo of all the bridesmaids:

What a great day! Greg and I had so much fun with everything leading up to and including the day. To credit the groom, he was very cool about me slowly losing my mind with wedding things this past year. More importantly, wedding aside, he's a wonderful partner and husband, I couldn't have asked for anything more in someone to marry. Here's one of our first photos as Mr. & Mrs. below.

All in all, we had a great time. Our parents and family were wonderful and looked stress-free all day. We appreciate all the support and help each of you offered - thank you Paual, Greg I, Dad and Matthew, we love you guys too!
More to come,


Here comes the Bride(al) Shower

*Whew* I've not been myself these past few weeks! With the wedding on my mind, the honeymoon and all my other friends tying the knot, I've been a neglectful blogger. Never fear, today is catch-up day - prepare to read about life these days:)

Previously, Lynn hosted another bridal shower for me at her and Grandpa's house. The whole family put forth a lot of effort for a really nice brunch and we had a great time catching up and devouring her amazing food. Here are some photos of the day:

Bridal Showers don't only mean good food. They mean good competition. Here Mrs. Yekulis, Lynn and Trisha prepare for the wedding dress toilet paper showdown
Jennifer models the creation that she, Jenny, Mrs. Taylor and Greg's mom, Paula cooked up. It's really...something huh?

Trisha sports a more conventional 80's look.

Present Time! Looks like we got lots of fun things for the garden - Thanks sister Melissa (Yekulis)

At the end of the day, I not only had tons of great gifts and spent time with the fam/friends, but Melissa (Blevins) also made me my boquet for the rehearsal.

Onto part II, a few months ago, Greg's sister Melissa (A.K.A wedding guru) threw me a beautiful bridal shower to celebrate our upcoming wedding. Details are definately this girl's forte, from the decor to the food to even hosting the afternoon outdoors, this thoughtful gal made a beautiful afternoon soiree to celebrate our wedding.

Look at the amazing lunch Melissa put on! What a crafty gal:)

The ladies enjoying our outdoor setting

Such cute napkins, I was completely obsessed.
Look at my amazing lunch! I wish I was eating it*drool*

My maid of honor, Jennifer and bridesmaid Amanda smile in the sunshine:)

Heeeey! That's me, another day, another rockin' bridal shower.

All in all, it was so nice to have so many people come and celebrate Greg and I getting married later this summer. The women who put together these events were so thoughtful and created another wonderful event to add to the scrapbook - Thanks to everyone who made these days and came!

More to come,
