Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Movin' On Up

About a month ago my fiance, Greg and I purchased our very first home in Clarkston, Mich! It took us a long while to find it, but when everything was said and done, we found our perfect place complete with two bathrooms and a pool!
For the past month, we've been feaverishly working on improvments and getting everything just right.

From pulling up layers upon layers of not-so-tasteful lanolium to completely overhauling our bathroom, we're getting quite the education on home ownership.

It's about to all pay off when we move into the house in nine more days! It's going to be a lot of work, but you'll all be able to see the fruits of our labors at the house warming!
More to come,

NW-LIFE Begins

In today's transparent and digital society, I've decided to keep up with the times and start a blog of my own. Expect updates, photos and a general status on NW-LIFE until July ... when it becomes NY-LIFE